A letter to my future,

When I think of you, my heart feels free. Ready to take on the world but content enough to stay intertwined. The thing about the space we individually took to better ourselves serve as catalysts for us. Our story is my favorite to read by the fireplace and I feel the Magick we co create deep within my soul. #333 I am writing this as I notice the time. My ascended masters areaffirming this trust in what I have yet to experience. Writing the pages of our story feels like rewriting the contract we created at the beginning of this jump. The journey into humanness - destine to find each other but content enough with our individual paths to trust the way. The way back to you has been the toughest and most gratifying experience yet. It included years of shedding comfort zones, rewriting contracts, shadow work and growth.

But, the hike was worth the view.
